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Baby Massage

Baby Massage is an amazing way to help communicate love to your baby, enhancing bonding and also supporting your baby’s development.

It can boost the somatosensory system which oversees sensations such as pain, temperature, and pressure and can improve the proprioception system which gives your baby a sense of the position and movement in their body. Every touch that your baby receives starts a variety of nervous system responses in the body helping him/her to build up a 3D picture of the world and his/her place in it.

Positive touch releases oxytocin in both parent and baby which is the 'love' hormone promoting feelings of nurturing and wellbeing.

Baby massage is great for colicky babies as it helps break down gas bubbles, pass wind, tone the digestive tract and improve brain to tummy communication so that the digestive system works more efficiently.

The gentle strokes and the soothing music all help to create a wonderful, relaxing experience.

So when you touch and massage your baby, its more than just relaxing. It is helping your baby understand their body, their environment and is the foundation of development.


Gentle movements and

developmental play

These are fabulous ways to support your baby’s physical and emotional development.

These are conscious gentle movements and stretches, involving also relaxation and communication skills. Moreover, every single aspect supports baby's development.

They shares similar benefits to baby massage such as bonding, relaxation, can help boost circulation and digestion, support the lymphatic system encouraging the removal of waste and toxins in the body… Baby yoga can also help strengthen your baby’s muscles and joints, flexibility and stimulating your baby’s vestibular (controls the movement and balance) and proprioceptive (body awareness) systems.

Gentle stretches which help tone the muscles and improve co-ordination, incorporate lots of tummy time that gives baby the opportunity to strengthen his/her neck muscles and encourage he/she to progress his/her gross motor skills, such as crawling. Swings, dips and movement help baby develop their balance.

We accompany the movements with songs and nursery rhymes which assists with speech, language development and communication between parent and baby.


Tummy Time

It is a position for play or a position for baby to connect with people and/or their environment, rather than being just an activity by itself. 

It's crucial for baby's development and some of its benefits are:

  • supports the development of the spinal curves and strength the neck, back and shoulder muscles for head control.

  • develops the core muscles, supporting postural control needed for working against gravity.

  • promotes the motors milestones (such as rolling, crawling and walking)

  • develops the palmer arches of the hands for fine motor skills


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